SYT TECHNOLOGIE unveils the exclusive release of its new product: the DINO-XMR2.
The alternative to conventional thermal sighting systems, SYT Optronics asserts its international position and once again distinguishes itself by the high performance of this new product, which benefits from the ITAR-Free status.
The DINO-XMR2 is the long-range system that meets military, security and civilian requirements. Versatile, it can be mounted on a land or sea vehicle, as well as in a fixed position. It is particularly suited to infrastructure surveillance and protection, and performs verification and confirmation as well as threat tracking in motion when coupled with a radar, even in total darkness.
With high identification capabilities, the DINO-XMR2 is equipped with apowerful optical zoom up to x60 and a very sensitive color sensor that makes it easy to detect, day or night, a threat at a great distance. This new sighting system is also equipped with the latest generation cooled MWIR thermal path to detect any threat at 20 km in total darkness. Mounted on a PT1300 turret providing 0.001° accuracy and turning 190°, the DINO-XMR2 is also equipped witha rangefinder which precisely determines the distance and location of the threat, essential points in order to anticipate and optimize the necessary actions against a target.